
Data Sonification Example

screengrab of puredata patch in plugdata

Using the api, we do regular webrequests and send the ISSs latitude, longtitude, and altitude over the local network (localhost or using the Open Sound Control protocol.

This is the then recieved into PureData/PlugData and effects various paramaters of a sawtooth oscillator such as the phase, filter cutoff, frequency, and pulsewidth modulation.



Navigate to the folder you downloaded

cd "your relative path"/python-osc-handler/

There’s two ways to setup your python environment you can either install the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

or you can import the conda environment from the environment.yml

conda env create --name envname --file=environments.yml

Change ‘envname’ to a name which suits you.

Then activate the environment.

conda activate envname

To run the script in your terminal run the following command

python .\src\

To cancel the executing script hit ctrl+c.

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