
Stable Diffusion in Python

messiah, Muad'dib, Lisan al Gaib, brave, portrait, film, kodak ultramax, overexposed, 35mm f/2

Generate images using text-to-image model inference in Python. Downloads a model to your computer from HuggingFace of your chosing and provides a prompt and a seed to generate test.png.

Note there are some inherent limitations with prompt length with this method, some thoughts and a workaround can be found here.


First, in a terminal, navigate to the folder this example is in, then create a virtual environment in the folder venv

python -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment - packages will install into your venv instead of globally, so you can try different examples that require different versions of packages without clashes

source venv/bin/activate

Install required packages as listed in requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the example


When you’re done, you can exit the virtual environment by running

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